Fallen Arches: Could A Change In Your Foot Shape Explain Sudden Aches And Pains?

While many people who suffer from flat feet or low foot arches are born with the condition, some can develop it later in life or as a result of injury. If you've been experiencing increased foot pain lately, you should find out about your risk factors for fallen arches and how to find out if you have them. What Are Fallen Arches? To create your foot's arch, the tendons and bones in your foot and leg must all work together in harmony.

3 Things To Discuss With Your Chiropractor Before A Spinal Manipulation

When visiting a chiropractor for the first time, you will probably be asked to fill out a medical history questionnaire during your "intake" consultation. While often very comprehensive, some questionnaires may not ask certain questions that may be important to how well you respond to your treatment. Here are three things to discuss with your chiropractor prior to the initiation of a spinal manipulation: History Of Panic Or Anxiety Attacks While a chiropractic manipulation is often described as relaxing by many patients, people who are sensitive to touch or deep massage may become anxious during treatment.

How To Handle Your Post-Procedural Local Anesthesia Experience

Going to the dentist often means having a procedure that require local anesthesia. While anesthesia prevents patients from experiencing the pain of a procedure, such as a filling or extraction, it can be a frustrating experience for patients when numbness lingers for hours after they leave the office. If you are about to have a procedure done that requires a local anesthetic injection, then you need to know how to minimize your frustration and trouble until the numbness goes away.

Titanium Or Zirconia Dental Implants: Important Considerations In Your Choice

Many dental patients don't take much of an interest in what their dental implants are actually made of. You're different, though. If you're going to have something permanently implanted in your body, you want to know exactly what it is. Dental implant rods are usually made of titanium, but zirconia ceramic is increasingly used. Zirconia has certain advantages, but it costs more.  About Dental Implants Dental implant rods function as anchors for the top portion of the device, just as tooth roots support natural teeth.

Hemangiomas: What They Are And What You Need To Know About Them

Imagine the setting: you are standing in front of the mirror, maybe after a shower or bath, and in the corner of your eye you see a small, bright red spot on your skin. Your mind races as you frantically try to determine what might be wrong; is it skin cancer, a contagious disease or some other unknown condition? Or, perhaps you have seen a similar red spot on your child's skin, and the questions began to mount.

Does Your Baby Have Atopic Dermatitis? Here's What You Need To Know

If your baby has developed atopic dermatitis, you may want to know that between 50-70% of all children with severe atopic dermatitisdevelop asthma as they get older. Comparatively, only 9% of children who never experienced atopic dermatitis develop asthma. The rate of development from atopic dermatitis to hay fever and asthma is called the atopic march. The atopic triad is a term used to describe atopic dermatitis (infantile eczema), allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma.

Tips To Help You Overcome Your Fear Of Breastfeeding

If you're afraid to nurse your newborn baby, you can find help through lactation services. Breastfeeding is an excellent way to give your baby the nutrition he or she needs to grow strong and healthy. Sometimes, new mothers fear doing so because of emotional reasons. But you don't have to fear breastfeeding. Here are some tips you can follow at home to overcome that fear. They can help you keep up your milk supply until you seek lactation services.

3 Airborne Contaminants That Can Trigger An Asthma Flare-Up

Living with asthma isn't easy. You've had to take it easy while exercising, carry an inhaler at all times, and even arrange for regular doctor visits. However, asthma flare-ups don't just happen—they must be triggered. To avoid asthma flare-ups, minimize your exposure to these airborne contaminants: Dust Mites If you've found yourself frequently sneezing or itching your eyes while sitting at home, then you are likely among the 54.3% of Americans who have a dust allergy.

Restorative Woes: 4 Ways To Keep Kids From Biting Lips

When your child needs a filling, or restorative, to fix a cavity, the dentist will use numbing medication to make the procedure pain free. Unfortunately, the numb sensation extends far beyond the work area to the lips, chin and cheeks. The strange sensation often inspires kids to chew on their lips, causing a big sore, or ulcer, to develop. When this happens, your child's healing time extends from a few hours to an entire week or more.

Spice It Up, And Lose Weight! Five Spices That Suppress Your Appetite

If you like to eat and just can't seem to ever get enough, then you how frustrating it can be to overeat. Appetite suppressant medications are considered by many nutritionists and health care professionals as risky, so it's good news to know that you can curb your appetite naturally by using certain spices in your food. Several spices not only make the food you eat taste better, they can help you wage the war against overeating.

Back Pain Management From The Ancients: They Weren't As Crude A You Might Think

Back pain has been around as long as Homo sapiens, and so have strategies for anaging it. Today, people have no problem recognizing that the English word for pain can be traced back to the Greek goddess Poine, a goddess of vengeance. (The Online Etymology Dictionary maps the stages of the word back through Old French, Latin and Greek). Few are aware, however, that modern treatments for pain, especially for back pain, are not all that different from the Ancients' strategies.

Crowns Vs. Braces For Adults--Why Crowns Have An Edge In Smile Makeovers

Are you in need of a smile makeover and wondering whether crowns or braces are the best choice? Cosmetically enhanced smiles are becoming more important to Americans for both professional and social purposes. As a result, dentists are seeing a lot of people who want to talk about their best options for improving their teeth. Braces and dental crowns are two tried and true methods. Which one you get depends on your individual situation, needs, and goals.

2 Reasons To Skip The ER And Visit Urgent Care Instead

When you or someone that you know develops a sudden medical need, it can be hard to know what to do. Stress, panic, and frustration set in, which can make it difficult to collect your thoughts and figure out the best way to get help. As you weigh your treatment options, your first instinct might be to drive to your closest emergency room. Here are two reasons why you should skip the ER and head to an urgent care center instead.

Taking The Sting Out Of Your Step: Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can make an otherwise sunny, beautiful morning dreadful. The sharp, shooting pain that comes from your heel during those first few steps in the morning can start every day on a poor note. If you've been struggling with pain in your heel and foot, there are treatment options available. Here's a look at what causes the pain and what you may be able to do about it. Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

The War At Home: 4 Tips To Reduce Household Allergens

You may have problems with seasonal allergies, but cannot understand why you continue to have symptoms even when the pollen count is low or non-existent. Household allergens are a common cause of allergies, and they are difficult to avoid or completely eliminate. However, there are several ways you can fight back against these unwelcomed guests. Buy And Use The Right Vacuum When cleaning your home, you need to minimize sweeping and dusting since both types of cleaning easily disburse allergens into the air.

Ulcerative Colitis And Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects more than 500,000 people in the United States. The condition causes ulcers in the large intestine and colon, which can lead to diarrhea and painful stomach cramps. Ulcerative colitis can also influence your chances of becoming pregnant, and can affect the health of your unborn baby. Learn more about the implications of ulcerative colitis on your pregnancy, and find out what you can do to manage the condition.

The 4 Stages To Expect When Undergoing A Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatments are typically required when the nerve supply of the tooth is damaged through injury or disease. The symptoms may be obvious, or they may not be apparent at all, however one of the telltale signs of a damaged nerve is a darkening in color around the tooth that indicates the nerve has died. You may have heard stories about root canal treatment, however the process is actually more straightforward than many people suggest.

Using Essential Oils In Your Laundry

When you take a load of laundry out of the dryer, you might enjoy taking a big whiff of the freshly washed, warm, soft laundry. As you breathe in the scent of your favorite laundry detergent, however, you may also be breathing in perfumes that cause adverse reactions in some people. If you have sensitive skin or breathing problems, perfumes in laundry detergents can aggravate these conditions. You don't have to switch to having completely scent-free laundry, however.

Breast Cancer Detection: 3 Things Every Young Woman Needs To Know

Breast cancer is a concern for many women across the United States. While the focus of detection is usually placed on older women, early detection is equally as important for young women. When it comes to breast cancer detection, there are a few things every young woman should know. The At-Home Breast Check Although doctors often suggest that women undergo a yearly mammogram by the time they reach 40-years-old, you should start a self-examination of your breasts as early as your 20s.

Repairing Sun Damage: Getting A Better Understanding Of Sonophoresis

Has years of sun tanning finally caught up with your sun? Tanning beds are responsible for 170,000 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer every year in the U.S., and prolonged exposure to the sun can easily and rapidly deteriorate the condition of your skin. If you are looking to repair the damage that the sun has done to your skin, you should obtain a thorough skin assessment from a dermatologist, and also consider more information on what a sonophoresis can do for you.

When It's Time To Hire A Social Security Disability Lawyer

If you or a member of your family has recently been disabled and unable to work, you have probably filed for Social Security disability benefits. Generally, these benefits are granted by the federal government to individuals that cannot work and meet certain qualifications. If you are not sure whether or not you meet all of the qualifications for disability payments, and the government has rejected your claim, you may feel in the dark.

Should You Buy That Bridge Or Go For The Dental Implant Instead?

Bridge the gap or go for the dental implant? What is the difference between a bridge and dental implants anyway? Both are assets dentists use to fill a space left by a missing tooth. That is where the similarities end, however. Before you buy that bridge, consider the benefits and drawbacks of each dental appliance. What is a Dental Bridge? WebMD defines a dental bridge as a piece designed to fill the gap created by missing teeth.

Trouble Falling Asleep? 8 Natural Remedies To Combat Insomnia

Approximately 25% of Americans do not get enough sleep at night, and of that 25%, 10% have insomnia.  If you are currently having trouble sleeping, you should learn more about insomnia to find out if you may have this sleep disorder.  Then, before running to the drug store for an over-the-counter sleep medication, try some of these 8 natural remedies to help you to get a better nights sleep. What is Insomnia?

Easy To Do Tips To Ease Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotherapy is a continuously evolving anti-cancer regime, and while the side effects have been somewhat mitigated over the years, patients still find the experience tough on their system. This article provides some easy to do tips for minimizing chemotherapy side effects—tips that can be adopted by the patients themselves, or by people looking after them between treatments. Common Side Effects Modern chemotherapy is tailored to each tumor and to some extent each individual, so some regimes have particular side effects, but they all seem to share these common ones.

4 Prescription Medications Than Can Cause Pain And Fatigue

If you're visiting your chiropractor for your routine spinal adjustments, but fail to get relief from your pain and fatigue, your prescription medications may be to blame. Muscle and bone pain are often under-reported side effects of prescription medications, and the reasons behind these unusual side effects may surprise you. Here are four prescription medications that can lead to pain and general malaise: Blood Pressure Medications Blood pressure medications treat hypertension by reducing the pressure inside your blood vessels, reducing the workload on your heart so that it doesn't have to pump as hard to get oxygenated blood to your organs.

3 Exercises To Reduce Arthritis Pain Any Time Of The Day

Unlike seasonal allergies, some immune system conditions affect you every day. This includes rheumatoid arthritis or RA, which develops when your own immune system attacks you. Your pain and stiffness might be worse at different times of the day. But you can fight back the symptoms with these three pain-reducing exercises. 1.  Alleviate Knee Pain in the Morning One of the most prevalent symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is knee pain. You may feel more pain in the morning hours – especially after a long night's sleep.

Types Of Alcohol Rehab In Minnesota

There are a number of stressful and painful events in life that are certain to render negative behavior. The destructiveness comes in when the negative behavior results in daily behavior. This is common for people which may have relied upon the substance of alcohol to get through life on a regular basis. If you have become an alcoholic, it is time to consider the many advantages of seeking alcohol rehab in Minnesota.

Chicago Varicose Veins Treatment For Pregnancy

Varicose veins occur when the muscular walls and valves of veins become weak, causing blood to pool inside the veins. The veins become swollen and blue or purple in color. Varicose veins are very common in pregnancy; the same hormones that allow the pelvis to loosen in order to accommodate the baby also cause the muscles to loosen and relax, including the muscles in and around the veins. If you are pregnant and suffering from varicose veins, you are not a candidate for some of the more extreme treatments such as laser therapy or vein stripping.